Hero Dogs

Hero Dogs
Welcome once again to Trooper Tuesdays! Today is an up, down and up again day. Up, because we have a fantastic story about a hero dog who saved a boys life. Down, because the dog hurt himself, and up again because he ended up in one of our carts for dogs! See what I mean ...

Hero Dog!

Hero Dog!
Hero Animals and an adorable little girl, whose dog saved her life. How can you expect me NOT to cry? Geez!   A missing 3-year-old girl who spent a night in freezing cold temperatures, survived because her dog kept her warm. The child, named Julia, was found 3- 4 miles from her home with her ...

Dog Hero – Eve

Dog Hero - Eve
Heroic Animals give me the warm fuzzies all over. Should we re-name this from #TrooperTuesdays to #BawlingmyeyesoutTuesdays? Just a couple sniffles this time, but you just wait. There are some fantastic animals out there. In May of 2005, Kathie Vaughans newly purchased used truck started to fishtail out of control. Finally able to bring the ...