4 Things You Must Know About Dog Splints

4 Things You Must Know About Dog Splints
Daily bandage changes or temporary leg braces created by your vet are hard to manage as your dog’s leg heals. But what other options are there? How do you ensure your pet has the leg support they need to heal correctly? A ready-made pet splint designed by pet experts is often the right solution, but ...

Setting Up an Emergency Plan to Protect Your Pet

Setting Up an Emergency Plan to Protect Your Pet
Why Would Your Pet Need an Emergency Plan? Everyone needs an emergency plan. If you have kids or older adults in the home, you’ve likely created an escape plan for emergencies that happen in the house. These plans typically detail exits and fast ways out of the home, including what to do if family members ...

Cold Weather and It’s Impact on a Dog’s Mobility

Cold Weather and It’s Impact on a Dog’s Mobility
Frigid temperatures and wet weather can make cause our joints to ache or cause them to stiffen; the same thing happens to dogs. Cold weather can have a significant impact on a dog’s movements. The impact can be even more drastic on an arthritic dog. A dog with arthritis already experiences joint inflammation, and the ...