4 Exercises for Disabled Dogs

By Andrew Phillips | December 5, 2022


Trying to make sure your pet gets enough exercise can be challenging when they have a disability. But that shouldn’t stop them from getting the exercise they need. As Emma Thompson said, “Being disabled should not mean being disqualified from having access to every aspect of life”. So here are 4 different exercises to help your dog stay healthy and happy!


1. Recall Games

Recall games are great low-impact games that are easy to do. You can choose the location in which you play these games to make sure that it is safe for your pet. For these games, all you have to two is have at least two people standing on opposite sides of each other. Take turns calling your dog and reward them will a small treat each time they come to you. You can vary the distance between you and the other person to make it either a bigger or smaller distance for your pup.


2. Dog Swimming Pools

Dog swimming pools are another low-impact exercise that many pets can benefit from. The swimming in warm water improves cardiovascular fitness and provides mental benefits for your dog such as relieving stress, providing stimulation, and improving sleep. Hydrotherapy is an intentional time for your dog to swim where a professional helps them through water therapy. Hydrotherapy stimulates, increases circulation and builds muscle mass. Talk to your vet professional if you think this could benefit you and your pup!


3. Brain Teasers

Brain teasers are toys that engage your dog and stimulate their brains. You can either buy these toys online or make them yourself with items from your home. It can be a fun way for them to search for treats or you can use kibble in these toys. 



4. Short Daily Walks

Short daily walks are a fun activity for both you and your pet to do together and to enjoy. Walks support joint health and mobility, and help with heart and lung function. Have fun enjoying the fresh air, but make sure to be careful to only go as far as your pet is able. 


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