Benefits of a Lifting Harness: Combo Harness 1

Benefits of a Lifting Harness: Combo Harness
  Lifting harnesses can be very beneficial for both you and your pet. They can be useful for pets with varying mobility issues such as pet who are: injured, have a form of paralysis, or are seniors with joint pain. Lifting harnesses give your pets support by reducing the pressure on their front and/or rear ...

Special Needs and Disabled Animals

Special Needs and Disabled Animals
Unfortunately, many people think that once your pet is considered “Special Needs” or “Disabled“, that it is the end of the road for that animal. Thank goodness, that in the 21st century we have other means then euthanasia to assist these animals. We’re going to look into Alternative/Complementary therapy options for pets. Here at HandicappedPetsCanada, we ...