Back Braces for Dogs

By Andrew Phillips | January 29, 2020
Louie wearing a green Walkin Pets back brace

Just like your spine, your dog’s spine is a complicated piece of natural architecture and engineering. The spine supports his/her body all the time, so every movement depends on the strength and alignment of the vertebrae, discs, and spinal cord that protect your little friend.

We know that the health and comfort of your dog is one of your priorities. Therefore, it is essential to acknowledge one common illness that could affect your dog and her/his overall health and well-being: intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). We will take a look at this disease and a treatment option that could help to improve your dog’s life when facing it: Back Braces.

IVDD: Definition, Causes, and Consequences

The Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), often called herniated or slipped disc, is a painful syndrome that occurs when one or more intervertebral discs suffer a lesion.

Dachshund IVDD back support

For practical purposes, the dog’s spine is divided into three different regions: lumbar, cervical, and thoracic. The lumbar spine is in charge of supporting the hindquarters and lower back. The cervical spine holds the shoulders and neck, and the thoracic spine is in charge of holding the abdominal region and the chest. When normal, the discs act as supporters and shields for external impacts in these regions. However, their rupture or degradation allows external threats to damage the internal systems of your dog and cause him/her a lot of pain.

Causes of IVDD

IVDD is a common condition in dogs, and it has several causes. Among the most frequent ones include the age of your dog, obesity, and hereditary conditions. However, it could occur in a dog at any time, to any breed, and to both males and females. It is important to note that IVDD may develop gradually and different signs could show up in its early stages and process. The relation of the length of a dog’s back and the size of his/her legs is an essential factor to take into consideration. Dogs with relatively long backs and short legs are more prone to the development of IVDD. Some of the breeds that have more chances of developing IVDD are Dachshund, Beagle, Cocker Spaniel, Doberman Pinscher, Corgi, Pekingese, Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Poodle, Basset Hound, and Bulldog.

Treatment of IVDD

Different methods have been developed to treat and comfort your dog in the presence of IVDD. Conservative and surgical treatments are available. A surgical technique often consists of fixing the affected disc that is troubling your dog’s spine. Furthermore, acupuncture, laser treatment, sports rehabilitation, and back braces for dogs are among the most popular conservative treatment options. In order to choose the best option, it is important to consult your veterinarian and evaluate the alternatives by analyzing your dog’s case.

The use of Back Braces for dogs

Large dog back brace for ivdd

As mentioned before, one of the possible treatments that could help your dog consists of the use of dog back braces. Back braces are structures that can be quickly put on your dog’s back to limit the movement of the spine, which decreases pain and discomfort. They bring all of these benefits by stabilizing your dog’s spinal column. Back braces can be particularly helpful during outdoor activities (e.g., walking, light hiking), or during recovery.

The most common characteristics of dog back braces include, but are not limited to:

  • Complete comfort for your dog. Back braces are designed to fit your dog naturally.
  • Special design to support the back from different key points to truly maintain your dog’s spinal column stability. Ideally the supports should support the spine as well as the muscles on either side of the spinal column.
  • Back braces are often recommended for both prevention and treatment.
  • Constant adequate pressure to calm the painful effects on the dog’s nervous system.
  • A secure and easy system to take on and off.
  • Different sizes and measures to provide the best pressure and care for your dog.
  • Adequate for your dog to do his/her physical necessities without taking it off.

To put a Back Brace to your dog, it is always good to consult the veterinarian. Fortunately, dog braces are very secure, and they can be used as a preventive method before IVDD presents itself. Moreover, Back Braces offer your dog the ability to be more active and safely move, jump, and enjoy life.

When should I consider using a Dog Back Brace?

If you want to provide the best care and comforts for your dog, you must analyze his/her behavior to understand possible physical expressions. If the back of your dog is the problem, he/she may need a back brace depending on the condition that presents. Your dog’s back may be bothering him/her if you recognize the following behavioral and physical signs:

toy dog back support
  • Back pain
  • Paralysis
  • Arched back
  • Difficulty in urinate normally
  • Inability or difficulty to walk
  • Reluctance to play, run or jump
  • Shivering
  • Neck stiffness
  • Constant crying when picked up

After you have recognized one or more of the signs above on your dog, you should consult your dog’s veterinarian to treat him/her properly. The veterinarian will most likely run some tests and examinations to give you an accurate diagnosis on the back of your dog. Here are the most common tests to diagnose IVDD and other back problems:

  • X-rays of the dog’s spine
  • Complete neurological tests and examinations
  • Myelography, which is an injection of dye inserted into your dog’s spinal cord
  • MRI or CT Scans

After a proper view of your dog’s situation, your veterinarian may propose some measures including Back Braces to improve his/her condition.

Prevention and Recommendations for Back Diseases

One of the methods to avoid any physical condition, especially back problems on your dog is to encourage athletic activities. Regular and moderated exercise is important for healthy dogs. A good and healthy diet is also relevant to avoid obesity, which causes several issues on health. Furthermore, Back Braces could be suitable to maintain a stable spinal cord and the overall health of your little friend. In conclusion, remember always to consult a veterinarian to maintain your pets happy and healthy.

This guest blog post was written by Dr. Stephanie Flansburg-Cruz. She practices mixed animal veterinary medicine with a special interest in shelter medicine and animal welfare, and enjoys volunteering at local animal shelters, reading, writing, and traveling. Shared Courtesy of Walkin Pets USA


Order the Walkin Pets VertabraVe back brace today.

call or email us at 778-809-7421,

2 thoughts on “Back Braces for Dogs

  1. Reply Gene Allen May 14,2021 11:57 am

    My vet claims that back braces won’t help my bichon. But I know he is in pain. The vet gave us anti inflammatory/pain meds for him. Don’t really want him dependent on pills. Will a back brace give him pain relief? If so, which do you recommend.

    • Reply Andrew Phillips Sep 7,2022 1:03 pm

      Hi Gene we are not a veterinary clinic or know your dogs condition or situation to be able to recommend anything that will help but a back brace will provide some support and if that is where the area of concern is then it could help a little, the pain will subside with the healing of the issue in that area and a brace should help but we always recommend checking with your vet as they know your dog nd condition personally

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