Featured Pet of the Week – Simon

By Andrew Phillips | January 5, 2023

The handicapped pet of the week shared from our friends at Handicapped Pets USA is Simon!

“Simon is the best bully ambassador just by being his sweet simple self.

This weekend was amazing. We wanted to go find some snow, so I bought the Walkin’ Pets Ski Attachments for Simon’s wheelchair – so he was ready to go!

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but he LOVED the skis and was a natural snow bunny!

And even better, I took him to the base of the ski slopes one day to let him test them out. I was planning on just doing our own thing and staying out of peoples’ way, but Simon soon attracted attention – and suddenly he was the most popular boy on the mountain! Everyone wanted to come say hi, and Simon was in HEAVEN! He loves nothing more than being doted on by strangers . . . 

The difference in people’s reaction to Simon when he’s in his jammies and wheelchair vs. not is pretty wild to see. Before his amputation, people would give him a wide berth in public (even when he was wagging his tail and hoping to get some love).

Now, people no longer see a terrifying 100 pound “pit bull”. They just see an adorable wiggly boy who happens to have a blocky head, and if that’s what it takes to change people’s minds about him, then so be it! Simon is more than happy to win people over one kiss at a time!” @big.head.boys 

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